About Me...

Hi, I'm Becky...

Autism Mama - Twin Mama

I am a wife and the mother of four beautiful boys! I am hooked on coffee, power naps, positive quotes, and carbohydrates.

Other Things I Love...


I have a great appreciation for all good people, but especially those who care for, and love, those who are differently abled. My oldest has autism and other special needs. He has been my greatest teacher! There are challenges but he is amazing! I love when others see this in him, too! I have met some fantastic humans because of him!

Photographer sits on stairs with closed lip smile


They keep me on my toes, but my multitasking skills are on point. And I am always entertained by their antics! Let's just say that they have been instrumental in enhancing my patience! Actually, all of my children get a little credit for contributing to this quality!

7 year old twin boys wearing bow ties hug each other

My Reasons Why...

I struggled to get a decent photo of my child

My sweet Matthew is beautiful but does not easily take a flattering photo. Mostly, it's because it's the last thing he cares to do... He doesn't understand the point or the process. I'm not sure my others fully appreciate it either! But getting him to cooperate for an actual session can be the most challenging, so I decided to improvise to make it as painless as possible, by purchasing a "good camera." This way he wouldn't have to leave our yard! What I didn't expect was to absolutely fall in love with photography.

Several years and lots of education and gear upgrades later, I continue to fine tune my craft and thrive on sharing it with others. Photographs, digital or otherwise, elicit an emotional response and years down the road will bring about wonderful nostalgia. They are a visual rendering of how we feel about each other and honor special stages in our lives. You will never get these moments back. Cherish them, freeze them in time. The days are long but the years are short. It would be my honor to help you capture the joy! And if I'm being honest, sometimes we capture the tired, the cranky, the REAL LIFE... and those moments are precious, too.. But we aim for joy! Hint...bribes are helpful! They even help the disinterested spouse and some seniors! I will give more suggestions after booking. But I assure you, I want to serve you well, friend! Let's work together!